Cândeşti Vale
Let's start our short story about the village of Candesti by letting the images "speak" about the beauty of the landscapes with green and full of freshness orchards, trees and hills and wonderful people.
Să începem mica noastră poveste despre satul Cândeşti lăsând imaginile să vorbească despre frumuseţea peisajelor de aici cu livezi verzi şi pline de prospeţime, copaci, dealuri şi oameni minunaţi.
School Matei Gr Vlădeanu
The school was founded in the year of 1841 and is named after the first school teacher here Matei Gr. Vladeanu
Before its founding, the first part of the school was given into use.
Before its founding, the first part of the school was given into use.
Şcoala Matei Gr. Vlădeanu
Şcoala s-a înfiinţat în anul 1841 , iar numele ei este dat de primul învăţător care a fost : “Matei Gr. Vlădeanu”.Înainte de înfiinţarea şcolii, partea din faţă şcolii a fost dată în folosinţă.
The Wood Church from Vartop
Built between the years 1803-1804 the Church represnts one of the most interesting and important historival monument.It was built by the master Bratu and the house painter Enache.The porch of the church is uphold by six pillars decorated with floral and geomatrical motives.The windows are narrow.
In the outside, the church is decorated with a belt sculpted in fish scalds.
Built between the years 1803-1804 the Church represnts one of the most interesting and important historival monument.It was built by the master Bratu and the house painter Enache.The porch of the church is uphold by six pillars decorated with floral and geomatrical motives.The windows are narrow.
In the outside, the church is decorated with a belt sculpted in fish scalds.
Biserica de lemn din Vârtop
Ridicată între 1803-1804 reprezintă unul dintre cel mai interesant şi important monument istoric. Aceasta a fost construită de Bratu meşter şi Enache zugrav.Pridvorul bisericii este susţinut de şase stâlpi decoraţi cu elemente florale şi geometrice. Ferestrele sunt înguste .
La exterior, biserica este decorata cu un brau sculptat in solzi de peşte.
La exterior, biserica este decorata cu un brau sculptat in solzi de peşte.
County Dâmboviţa
Judeţul Dîmboviţa se află în Muntenia în partea sudica a Carpaţilor Meridionali.
Judeţul Damboviţa
County Dîmboviţa is located in Muntenia in South of Carpaţi Meridionali.

România, my coutry
România is a country located in South - est Europe at North of the Balkan peninsula.
România, ţara mea
România este o ţară situată în sud-estul Europei, la nord de peninsula Balcanică.
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